Saturday, December 14, 2024

Meal Prep and the discipline it takes!!

As many individuals begin their new year by making a resolution to eat healthier and workout more. Oftentimes those same individuals don't necessarily have time to always cook the food that they want or need to prepare. What do they do next? They find an avenue that can not only provide them the level of nutrition that they are looking for, but something that is also cost effective and affordable. 

We are now in the age of meal prep companies, and lifestyle changes. I tried HelloFresh, and while they provide you with portions for however many people are in your family. There were times that the choices were very limited, and while it provided me with the nutrients needed I began to feel like it was no excitement in the meals. My daughter enjoyed the meals and looked forward to the variety and different ways of making and creating meals. In her eyes it was GREAT! As an athlete she burns off anything that she eats, so it was worth it.

Now, I am a Certified Nutrition Coach and help individuals reach their goals of living a healthy lifestyle, all while understanding their relationship to food. There is indeed a correlation to stress through food, as well as focusing on mindful eating. Many of us were told all our lives to eat everything on our plates oe we would be in trouble. Nowadays, we shod eat to 80% full; there is no need to clean our plate. We should strive to leave something on the plate.

Meal prepping is not for the weak....however, there is discipline involved. Portion sizes, time of day, what you eat and how often you eat need to be accounted for.

Meal Prep and the discipline it takes!!

As many individuals begin their new year by making a resolution to eat healthier and workout more. Oftentimes those same individuals don...